Our Ambassador program is unique and designed to give opportunities to individuals who want to serve and promote goodwill in the community read more
GB Team comprises of active community members who step up to support the effort through sheer volunteerism and good samaritanism read more
GB Youth Ambassadors are next generation leaders leading our FuturePrenuers projects read more
Lemonade Stand Project was started in 2016 when 4 kids from Pearland who were in elementary school wanted to do something memorable in September for "Childhood Cancer Awareness" month. They worked very hard, made flyers, placards, went door to door to promote their lemonade stand and made promotional videos and also contacted local sportsmen requesting them for support. They were not shy to put themselves out on social media and were very focussed to make their lemonade stand a success so that the donations collected can go to several organizations that deal with pediatric cancer challenges.
Over the past few years, the event grew big and more kids joined. Their parents showed great enthusiasm and participated actively. Every year, in September, on a Sunday afternoon, the kids organize a lemonade stand and offer lemonade, snacks, other drinks, and also engage their friends in various games and activities. They have a jar for open donations and after the event, they donate the entire money along wth the money collected through online donations to organizations dealing with Pediatric Cancer.
Here are the links to the lemonade stand project over years
FREE non profit Business Network supporting the community
in and around Pearland, Texas since 2016 - no membership fees
GB FuturePreneurs is our amazing effort in which we encourageyouth to be creative, do community service, hard work, think out of the box, embrace, leadership and more .... read more
One of our core focus is Healthcare. Pearland has a huge Healthcare presence and a big part of our efforts is to support the healthcare community read more