Greater Businesses of Pearland

FREE non profit Business Network supporting the community

in and around Pearland, Texas since 2016 - no membership fees

GB FuturePreneurs

GB FuturePreneurs is our amazing effort in which we encourageyouth to be creative, do community service, hard work, think out of the box, embrace, leadership and more .... read more

GB Healthcare Network

One of our core focus is Healthcare. Pearland has a huge Healthcare presence and a big part of our efforts is to support the healthcare community read more

GB Ambassadors


Our Ambassador program is unique and designed to give opportunities to individuals who want to serve and promote goodwill in the community  read more

The GB Team 

GB Team comprises of active community members who step up to support the effort through sheer volunteerism and good samaritanism  read more

          GB Youth Ambassadors​​ 

GB Youth Ambassadors are next generation leaders leading our FuturePrenuers projects  read more

GB Pearland  was founded on the belief that every individual  has unlimited capabilities which when put to collective use in constructive and innovative ways - helps build our community and in turn support the individual to grow and prosper. 


GB Pearland (Greater Businesses of Pearland) is a local grassroots community network in Pearland, Texas. Pearland is a beautiful city South of Houston and boasts of a great community. It is now one of the best places to live and raise your family. 
GB Pearland is a FREE and OPEN community that encourages and empowers our local businesses through active participation and giving them a real voice and helps them build a support system through several opportunities and exchange of ideas. 
There is NO CHARGE to join our group and there is NO OBLIGATION whatsoever for anything. 

It started in 2016 when the business community in Pearland decided to build their own grassroots network which does not have any "strings attached" and anyone can join and everyone is respected and encouraged. The focus for all of us is to have a POSITIVE approach and to have a neutral platform and a model where individuals can unleash their full potential and receive unconditional support.

  • Our volunteers organize mixers. lunches, breakfast, meetings on either side of the town. 
  • Our Focus Group meets up occasionally where we exchange ideas and get more creative
  • Our Community Outreach effort supports our local non profits, our City and its departments, our schools and our families through information exchange, promoting volunteerism, encouraging sponsorship 
  • Our Healthcare initiative is an effort to providing a platform to the healthcare community that is growing and booming in Pearland. We have been doing exclusive healthcare events and we support big health fairs like Wobble before you Gobble
  • Being a grassroots group we strive to encourage and support the voice of those who are underrepresented. Embracing diversity is very important because, though we are such a diverse nation, minorities (can be anyone) voices are often not properly heard in a complex system with fast paced life. We bring a cosmopolitan approach in supporting our community
  • We are NOT affiliated with any other group or Chambers. However our members belong to various organizations

About Us

Would you like to join our team? 

Be a part of something big.

It is FREE to join. 

Be on the organizing side

Get insights

Develop leadership 

Learn organizing skills

Build your relationships

What we expect?




​Ability to make things happen

Your time

Your enthusiasm

Your smile